A global start-up program the Founder Institute published results of their
follow-up survey. More than an ordinary survey they tracked over 15.000 of
application during their new venture creation process.
And this is what they found about the best ones (those who succeed in the
NVC process)
- They start their businesses in the field they are familiar with (experience for a decade or more
- Thus, they are closer to their 40s
- They are open-minded
- They are flexible
- They are able to pivot in a blink of an eye
- They are agreedable
- They are not narcisists
From researcher's perspective some objective facts would be really valuable
(if not necessary):
- How was the potential selection bias of applicants (age, gender, industry, earlier experiences) handled?
- How much an effect the attrition might have on these results, i.e. biased is the successful sample of founders? Are they voluntarily leaving the process or is it based on other aspects?
- In addition to the personality related aspects, how much other similar factors (industry, size and type of start-up team) influence the exits from the NVC process or vice versa their success?
Thus, if the FI’s results are sold as new, it is an unfortunate overlooking of what we already know. As interesting as they sound like a more robust assessment of the findings would make a better justice. Still, read Mashable's story here.
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