
How to harness your business idea?

Lost in bundle of good idea, but have no ideas how to proceed? The $100 Start-up offers us a simple business plan which you can fill out by answering just ten questions on one page.

Pdf is found from here.


The Foundry

Just before couple day before this year's Babson research conference in Fort Worth, TX, TSE Entre will visit the Foundry at University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

It now crystal clear that R. Wuebker et al. have been onto something really cool. A proof for this is provided by Fast Company magazine.

Their article enlightens how the Foundry has "hit upon a method of fostering entrepreneurs that is not only dirt cheap and easily replicable but--crazy as it sounds--also has the potential to catalyze urban redevelopment and foster the growth of the creative class in places with fledging hipness quotients."

Read the article whole here.


Finnish GEM report is in progress

In a month you will get your hands on brand new national GEM report. Old reports can be found on GEM Consortium's website.

In between we can inform that team Finland has been approved to start the data collection for 2012 rotation. Nice.


Dissertation Defence on Friday 18th of May

Diego Chantrain defends his
doctoral dissertation in Entrepreneurship titled Social Capital Inheritance, Resource Co-optation and Performance in Corporate Spin-Off Firms.

Opponent: Professor Bart Clarysse (Imperial College London, Business School)
Custodian: Professor Pia Arenius

Time: Fri 18 May, 12.15PM

Location: Turku School of Economics, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, lecture hall 07