
Open vacancy: Doctoral Student

Doctoral student (fixed-term) in Entrepreneurship
We welcome applications for the position of doctoral student (fixed term from 1 March 2013 until 31 July 2016) in entrepreneurship. The post is positioned in the Department of Management.

Entrepreneurship is one of the strength areas of the Turku School of Economics. In entrepreneurship we study entrepreneurship in socio-economic contexts nationally and internationally. Entrepreneurship teaching focuses on new business creation and growth in any organizational setting. For further information please visit the site of Entrepreneurship Studies: http://www.utu.fi/en/units/tse/units/entrepreneurship/Pages/home.aspx

The position of Doctoral student includes the following tasks:
- conducting doctoral studies in the field of entrepreneurship
- teaching entrepreneurship as well as assisting tasks such as planning and co-ordination of entrepreneurship teaching
- administrative tasks.

A person selected for the post of doctoral student is required to have a higher university degree and must have had a research plan accepted. In addition, when acquiring his or her degree or otherwise, he or she is required to have demonstrated the ability and motivation to undertake postgraduate studies and the capacity to complete a doctoral degree in accordance with the research plan.an accepted doctoral research plan. The applicant is required to have fluent skills in English. When filling the position also prior experience in entrepreneurship research is considered as a merit.

Qualification requirements for the position are laid down in the regulations of the University of Turku, Rules of Procedure.

The salary is based on the salary system of Finnish universities, and it consists of a task-specific salary component and personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component for the university teacher is at level 1–4 which is 1769,97–2432,20 €/month. The component based on personal performance adds a maximum of 46,3% to the salary.

For further information, please contact professor Jarna Heinonen, tel. (02) 333 9577 or jarna.heinonen(at)utu.fi.

Applicants should enclose with their application a certified CV, copies of degree certificates and other documents that may influence the filling of the position. In addition, we require the doctoral research plan which is informative on the current state of the thesis project.

Applications are to be addressed to Turku School of Economics.

Application must arrive to the Records Office (asiakirjepiste) of Turku School of Economics by mail or e-mail no later than Thursday 31st January 2013 at 15:45. The postal address is:
Records Office/Asiakirjapiste, Turku School of Economics, FI-20014 TURUN YLIOPISTO, FINLAND (visiting address: Turku School of Economics, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 2nd floor, Turku). Note on the envelope "Doctoral student/Entrepreneurship". Applications may also be sent by e-mail: tse-asiakirjat@utu.fi.

Application documents will not be returned.

Open vacancy: University Teacher

University teacher (fixed-term) in Entrepreneurship

We welcome applications for the position of university teacher (fixed term from 1 March 2013 until 31 July 2016) in entrepreneurship. The post is positioned in the Department of Management.
Entrepreneurship is one of the strength areas of Turku School of Economics. In entrepreneurship we study entrepreneurship in socio-economic contexts nationally and internationally. Entrepreneurship teaching focuses on new business creation and growth in any organizational setting. For further information please visit the site of Entrepreneurship Studies: http://www.utu.fi/en/units/tse/units/entrepreneurship/Pages/home.aspx
The position of University teacher includes wide teaching responsibilities in bachelor and master level studies, supervision of theses as well as development of entrepreneurship studies in collaboration with the other faculty members. In addition, the position includes administrative duties. The teaching focuses and is based on entrepreneurship research.
A person selected for the post of university teacher is required to have an appropriate higher university degree and good teaching skills. When filling the position also the following qualities of the applicant are taken into consideration: breadth of knowledge in entrepreneurship, pedagogic education, ability to produce teaching material and to provide entrepreneurial teaching.
The successful management of the position demands a capability to give high-quality research-based teaching and to supervise scholarly theses. In addition the applicant is required to have fluent skills in English. When filling the position also prior experience in teaching and administrative tasks is taken in to consideration as well as practical experiences in the field of entrepreneurship.
Qualification requirements for the position are laid down in the regulations of the University of Turku, Rules of Procedure.
The salary is based on the salary system of Finnish universities, and it consists of a task-specific salary component and personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component for the university teacher is at level 4–6 which is 2432,20–3293,22 €/month. The component based on personal performance adds a maximum of 46,3% to the salary.
For further information, please contact professor Jarna Heinonen, tel. (02) 333 9577 or jarna.heinonen(at)utu.fi.
Applicants should enclose with their application a certified CV, an academic portfolio or a short teaching portfolio, copies of degree certificates and other documents that may influence the filling of the position. In addition, we require the applicant to show in free format how her/his strengths fit the set of tasks defined above.
Applications are to be addressed to Turku School of Economics.
Applications must arrive to the Records Office (Asiakirjapiste) of Turku School of Economics by mail or e-mail no later than Thursday 31st January 2013 at 15:45. The postal address is: Records Office / Asiakirjapiste, Turku School of Economics, FI-20014 TURUN YLIOPISTO, FINLAND (visiting address: Turku School of Economics, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 2nd floor, Turku). Note on the envelope: “University teacher/Entrepreneurship”. Applications may also be sent by e-mail: tse-asiakirjat@utu.fi. Application documents will not be returned.


Yet another Startup Journey traveled

Yesterday BoostTurku had a blast. One of the Startup Journeys had their DemoDay event in which the final 4 new ventures competed for a trip to the Silicon Valley.

Event comprised an inspiring talk given by Mo El-Fatatry (http://www.disruptionmanifesto.com/) who lively shared his experiences in entrepreneurship (focusing on failure and motivation). The main stars of the evening were the 4 teams who gave top-notch pitches and demos.

The winner was Rival Games with their story-based game Ricochet Reaction (addiction, addiction, addicton...). Congrats! Enjoy SV!


Ewald Kibler's Doctoral Defense

Ewald Kibler and Professor Erik Stam from Utrecht University will have a public talk on Thursday 20th of December. Kibler will defend his doctoral thesis entitled New Venture Creation in Different Environments: Towards a Multilayered Institutional Approach to Entrepreneurship.

Time: 20.12.2012 @ 12
Place: Turku School of Economics, Lecture Hall Osuuskauppa


Upcoming defense

On Thursday, 20th of December, Ewald Kibler will defende his doctoral thesis. Opponent will be Professor Erik Stam from Netherlands.

More info coming soon.


OBS! Research Seminar today

Short notice!

Today at KH1 at 10:15 Dr. Elisabeth Ljunggren (Nordland Research Institute) and Dr. Gry Alsos (Bodo Graduate School of Business, Uni of Nordland) give a talk entitled:

Portfolio Entrepreneurship: The Business-Household Interaction.

Be there in few minutes!


3EC - Inaugural ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference

After we have witnessed a remarkable increase in the supply of entrepreneurship education across Europe. There is an explicit political agenda both at the national level and at the EU level to promote entrepreneurship education at all levels of the school system. Policy makers and research alike expect that entrepreneurial skills to be the key to enhancing an innovative culture, which in turn will result in higher competitiveness and economic growth.

However, in order to achieving these objectives it is important that educational systems and methods move from traditional to creative, interactive and student-centred educational models that will help change student mindset and prepare students for the challenges of the future.

Through an innovative and untraditional format, the 3E conference launches a new paradigm for entrepreneurship conferences. Instead of traditional academic events, the 3E conference focuses on problems and questions rather than on ready-made implications and presentations of research findings. Accordingly, the 3E conference offers an exclusive and engaging opportunity for researchers, educators and politicians to debate and exchange their experiences of the major challenges and advances in enterprise education with a special and unique focus on Europe.

And remember, the best question will be awarded.

Conference takes place in Aarhus, Denmark on 29th-31st of May 2013.

See for the website for more information: http://www.3e2013.org/


GEW 2012 is here

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is the world's largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.

Visit the Finnish website to find out what's up: http://fi.unleashingideas.org/


Research Seminar in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship research seminars are organized to encourage discussions with researchers interested in entrepreneurship, one focal research area of the Turku School of Economics.

This time Professor Sarah Jack, director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, from the Lancaster University will join our seminar and give a presentation on “Research perspectives to Entrepreneurship”. Professor Sarah Jack's information.

In line with this we will bring in institutional perspectives to entrepreneurship by one of our doctoral students Thomas Lemström, who will give a presentation entitled: “Institutional Shaping of Intrapreneurship: A Study with Nurses and Doctors Working in a Specialized Clinic”.

All interested professors and researchers are most welcome to join the discussions.
Date: 13.11.2012
Time: 14:00-15:30
Place: LS33 @ TSE
Coffee and refreshments will be available.

Please register to kristiina.baarman@utu.fi no later than the 9th of November.
Additional information from pekka.stenholm@utu.fi


How about that... give your vote for the most liked startup

Now the things are rolling. Couple years back entrepreneurship was a hollow word with negative connotations in media, but that's all gone now. Today new entrepreneurs have an opportunity to compete in popularity...! This is pretty awesome.

You have a chance to vote for the startup you like the most. Just go and browse Real life deal and give you vote. The winner will be celebrated at Slush which is a conference for startups organized by Aalto University's Startup Sauna. Slush gathers together the most promising startup in Northern Europe. Slush takes place in Helsinki on 21-22 November 2012.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

The unique process of academic publishing has its ups and downs. While facing a rejection and feeling all grey, don't worry. Rejected papers get better / more cited - if they get published eventually.

An article on Nature: Rejection improves eventual impact of manuscripts


Apparaatti Boot Camp

Pori Unit is giving the idea generation another go...


Stanford University offers free online courses

For this fall the Stanford University offers free online courses which have entrepreneurship written all over them. According to Forbes magazine, these courses will be hosted on two new learning platforms, designed and developed by Stanford engineers and faculty members. The platforms will feature exciting tools such as video lectures, discussion forums, peer assessments and team projects.

Read more and here's the link to Stanford Online.

And then do not forget to check what coursera.org might offer for you.


BoostTurku: Startup Journey Fall 2012

BoostTurku is opening yet another Startup Journey. It's time to apply!!!

The aim of Startup Journey is to provide six teams with a mind-blowing experience in developing their own idea towards market traction and founding of a company. It will be a superb learning experience, guaranteed fun, and a chance to build something of your own.

Here's the link.




Our own researcher Elisa Akola was awarded with Best Reviewer Award in recognition for exemplary service to the Academy of Management's Careers Division.

Doctoral candidate Ewald Kilber was honored with Best Student Paper Award by the Academy of Management's Entrepreneurship Division.



GEM Finnish national report is published

Tuoreen kansainvälisen yrittäjyysmonitori osoittaa, että Suomessa on erityisen paljon työntekijöiden yrittäjämäistä toimintaa. Se tarkoittaa, että yritteliäät työntekijät kehittävät uusia tuotteita ja palveluita tai uutta liiketoimintaa työnantajansa lukuun. Suomi on ns. sisäisessä yrittäjyydessä neljäntenä 22 innovaatiotalouden vertailussa.

Suomessa on erityisen paljon työntekijöiden yrittäjämäistä toimintaa. Se tarkoittaa, että yritteliäät työntekijät kehittävät uusia tuotteita ja palveluita tai uutta liiketoimintaa työnantajansa lukuun. Suomi on ns. sisäisessä yrittäjyydessä neljäntenä 22 innovaatiotalouden vertailussa. Tiedot ilmenevät globaalista yrittäjyysmonitorista (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM), joka tutkii yrittäjäaktiivisuutta yli 50 maassa.

GEM-tutkimuksessa selvitettiin yleisen yrittäjyysaktiivisuuden lisäksi vuonna 2011 erityisesti isojen yritysten sisäistä yrittäjyyttä ja sen laajuutta. Sisäinen yrittäjyys synnyttää uusia tuotteita, palveluita ja liiketoimintaa sekä lopulta mahdollisesti myös innovaatioita ja kasvua. Uudet innovaatiot ja innovaatioihin liittyvät yritystoiminnan aihiot syntyvät useimmiten jo olemassa olevissa yrityksissä.

Suomen tilanne kertoo paitsi talouden rakenteista, myös siitä, että innovaatiotoiminta rakentuu vahvasti työntekijöiden tietotaidolle ja osaamiselle. Niinpä uusille yrityksille on vahva perusta olemassa olevien yritysten työntekijäkunnassa.

Suomalaisilla potentiaalia ryhtyä yrittäjiksi, mutta aktiivisuus keskitasoa

Suomalaisten yrittäjyyspotentiaali on kansainvälisesti vertaillen korkea: peräti 61 prosenttia koko aikuisväestöstä, erityisesti korkeakoulutetut, tunnistavat hyviä liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ympäristössään. Tämä potentiaali ei kuitenkaan edelleenkään päädy konkreettisiksi toimiksi, sillä uusi yritystoiminta-aktiivisuus on vain keskitasoa verrattuna muihin innovaatiovetoisiin kansantalouksiin.

On oletettavaa, että korkea suurten yritysten ja työpaikkojen sisäinen yrittäjyys kanavoi uusien yritysten perustamisaktiivisuutta ja että taloudellinen taantuma voi siirtää painopistettä uusien yritysten perustamisen suuntaan. Suomessa miesten yrittäjyysaktiivisuus on edelleen kaksinkertaista naisiin verrattuna.

Muun muassa nämä tiedot käyvät ilmi globaalin GEM-tutkimuksen suomalaisaineistosta. Suomalaista tutkimusryhmää johti akatemiaprofessori Anne Kovalainen Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulusta. Tutkimusryhmän muita jäseniä olivat professori Jarna Heinonen, tutkija Tommi Pukkinen ja kollegiumtutkija Pekka Stenholm. Globaaliin GEM-tutkimukseen osallistui 53 maata vuonna 2011. Tutkimuksen kansallisena rahoittajana toimivat työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö sekä Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu.

Tutkimusraportti on ladattavissa työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön verkkosivuilta. Painetun paperiversion voi tilata Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun TSE Entrestä, sihteeri Kristiina Baarmanilta (etunimi.sukunimi(at)utu.fi).

akatemiaprofessori Anne Kovalainen, puh. 050 502 7022
kollegiumtutkija Pekka Stenholm, puh. 02 333 9479
Professori Jarna Heinonen, puh. 050 563 1713
tutkija Tommi Pukkinen, puh. 02 333 9474
neuvotteleva virkamies Pertti Hämäläinen, TEM, puh. 029 506 3516


Terveydenhuollon uudistamisesta

Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun tutkijaryhmä TSE Entre on selvittänyt yksittäisen työntekijän roolia terveydenhuollon uudistumispaineiden asettamien haasteiden keskellä. Tutkimus on osa Tekesin ja Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiön rahoittamaa Innovaatiojohtaminen terveyspalveluissa -projektia.
Tutkijoiden mukaan terveydenhuollossa jää luovuudelle ja riskinotolle usein vähän tilaa. Ratkaisuksi he ehdottavat sisäistä yrittäjyyttä.
‒ Yksilöiden erilaisuus tulisi tunnistaa mahdollisuudeksi. Sisäinen yrittäjyys haastaa sekä johtajia että työntekijöitä ajattelemaan uusilla tavoilla. Terveydenhuollon tiukasti institutionalisoitunut toimintaympäristö kuitenkin rajoittaa työn kehittämisen mahdollisuuksia, sanoo projektin johtaja, professori Jarna Heinonen.

Tutkimuksessa löydettiin tekijöitä, jotka usein estävät innostuneen, sitoutuneen ja oma-aloitteisen työotteen terveydenhuollossa.
‒ Osa johtajista hautautuu hallintoon keskittyessään etsimään ratkaisuja akuutteihin ongelmiin. Lääkärit taas ovat kyllä sitoutuneita työhönsä ja potilaisiin, mutta eivät välttämättä organisaatioon. Työntekijät näkevät roolinsa passiivisena ja itsensä muutosten kohteina, eivät niiden tekijöinä, listaa projektitutkija Thomas Lemström keskeisiä havaintoja.
Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että terveydenhuollon arjen toimintalogiikat ovat ristiriidassa kehittämistavoitteiden kanssa. Henkilöstön innovaatiopotentiaalin hyödyntämiseksi kaivattaisiinkin uudenlaisia toimintamalleja ja rakenteita.
‒ Esimerkiksi hoitajille ei löydy kanavia, joilla he voisivat viedä aloitteitaan eteenpäin. Kollektiiviset identiteetit ja vallalla olevat ajattelutavat luovat säännöt. Suurempi omistajuus ja laajemmat työnkuvat voisivat vahvistaa sisäistä yrittäjyyttä.
Tutkijat sanovat, että moniin muutosta estäviin tekijöihin voidaan puuttua nopeasti. Samoin konkreettiset työkalut ovat kaikkien ulottuvilla.
‒ Pitää olla olemassa tiloja ja aikaa, jolloin voidaan käsitellä sellaisia ideoita, joille ei ole olemassa valmista laatikkoa ‒ tarvitaan lisää epämuodollista vuorovaikutusta, Lemström rohkaisee.
Osana projektia on julkaistu Riittääkö innostus? Sisäinen yrittäjyys terveydenhuollossa -käsikirja, joka tarjoaa keinoja edistää sisäistä yrittäjyyttä terveydenhuoltoalalla. Teos ja tutkimustulokset julkaistiin Hoitajat ja lääkärit työnsä uudistajina -seminaarissa Turun kauppakorkeakoululla 21.8.
Kirjaa voi tilata osoitteesta kristiina.baarman (a) utu.fi


Founder's Institute is here

Great news! Founder's Institute has found its way to Finland.


Ilmaiset Pitchaus-bootcampit ja infotilaisuudet Turussa, Tampereella ja Helsingissä ensi viikolla:

Turku Startup Pitch Bootcamp, 14.8. 6.30 PM
Tampere Startup Pitch Bootcamp, 15.8. 6.30PM
Helsinki Startup Pitch Bootcamp, 16.8. 6.30PM


Evaluation of Finnvera Plc

Finnvera plc provides financial support for the start-up, growth and internationalisation of small and medium sized enterprises and, as well as, guarantees and financing against risks related to exports. As a state owned public limited company, it is administered and governed by the Ministry for Employment and the Economy (MEE) which also commissioned the evaluation.

The evalution was conducted by International Financial Consulting Ltd. and University of Turku's TSE Entre. It assesses Finnvera in the context of both the national and international business environment and provides a perspective on the areas in which Finnvera needs to be focusing for the period up to year 2020. The report considers also the role of MEE in its steering or oversight of Finnvera as a part of MEE group, and makes recommendations about the future renewal needs and orientation related to Finnvera’s strategy, activities, structures and tasks.

The report will be published on 26th of June in Helsinki.


Greetings from BCERC

This year the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference was held at the Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX.

As always, the 2.5 days were fulfilled with good quality papers, interesting ideas and inspiring discussions. The advantage of Babson is the people who show up: researchers, PhD students as well as professors who share the knowledge and interest in entrepreneurship.

This year's topics covered among others gender issues, the various role of institutions, VC finance, opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial orientation, different determinants of entrepreneurial behavior and/or firm performance, etc.


How to harness your business idea?

Lost in bundle of good idea, but have no ideas how to proceed? The $100 Start-up offers us a simple business plan which you can fill out by answering just ten questions on one page.

Pdf is found from here.


The Foundry

Just before couple day before this year's Babson research conference in Fort Worth, TX, TSE Entre will visit the Foundry at University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

It now crystal clear that R. Wuebker et al. have been onto something really cool. A proof for this is provided by Fast Company magazine.

Their article enlightens how the Foundry has "hit upon a method of fostering entrepreneurs that is not only dirt cheap and easily replicable but--crazy as it sounds--also has the potential to catalyze urban redevelopment and foster the growth of the creative class in places with fledging hipness quotients."

Read the article whole here.


Finnish GEM report is in progress

In a month you will get your hands on brand new national GEM report. Old reports can be found on GEM Consortium's website.

In between we can inform that team Finland has been approved to start the data collection for 2012 rotation. Nice.


Dissertation Defence on Friday 18th of May

Diego Chantrain defends his
doctoral dissertation in Entrepreneurship titled Social Capital Inheritance, Resource Co-optation and Performance in Corporate Spin-Off Firms.

Opponent: Professor Bart Clarysse (Imperial College London, Business School)
Custodian: Professor Pia Arenius

Time: Fri 18 May, 12.15PM

Location: Turku School of Economics, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, lecture hall 07


Posting in Finnish: Yrittäjyyden aineinfo 25.4!

Yrittäjyyden aineinfo ke 25.4. klo 16 @ LS010

Yrittäjyyden aineinfo järjestetään keskiviikkona 25.4. heti hops-tilaisuuden jälkeen noin klo 16.00 luentosalissa 010 – tule kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan mitä kaikkea hyvää ja kaunista yrittäjyys voi juuri sinulle tarjota!
Tilaisuudessa on paikalla aineen opettajia, yrittäjyyteen jo hurahtaneita opiskelijoita sekä Boost Turku -yhteisön edustaja. Tarjolla myös pientä purtavaa.



Research seminar in Entrepreneurship

When: Friday 4.5.2012 klo 13–15:00

Where: Turku School of Economics, LS12

TSE Entre will organize a research seminar in Entrepreneurship on Friday 4.5.2012.

The seminar will comprise different aspects on recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities.

Doctoral candidates Riikka Franzen and Tommi Pukkinen will present their PhD projects.


Please register to kristiina.baarman@utu.fi

Additional information from pekka.stenholm@utu.fi  


Huge success at Young Enterprise course

Three teams from Turku crew were awarded at NY finals in Hämeenlinna.

Season One took the first place!
Nani and MilkTea took also podium places.

Great job everyone!!!


Rise of Entrepreneurship

"Entrepreneurs are a demographic, not a geographic, and their conspicuous creation is driving positive change in our world."

So is it really about entrepreneurial ecosystem, institutions, culture or public policy measures??? Maybe or maybe not... how about assessing entrepreneurship as global class... Read Scott Harley's column on Forbes here.


TSE Entre's Summer Tour 2012

The tour dates are getting clearer. We will be attending at least the following conferences:

Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, May, Helsinki, Finland
European Academy of Management Annual Conference, June, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
International Council for Small Business World Conference, June, Wellington, New Zealand
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Boston, MA

See you there!


Work makes you happy...

...if your are higher educated or an entrepreneur. This is the claim that TSE Entre's Jarna Heinonen, Katri Luomala and Elisa Akola introduce in their column in Talouselämä Magazine.

Link [in Finnish]


Startup Confidence Index

At last. News from the US's entrepreneurs indicate that the future is brighter and brighter. Kauffman/LegalZoom's index show that 81% of entrepreneurs in the US are confident that their business will be more profitable in the next 12 months. Awesome! Similarly, 28% expect that they will hire new personnel during the same time period.

In your face, prolonged economic downturn.



Open position: University Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Researcher in Entrepreneurship

TSE Entre – the entrepreneurship research centre at the School of Economics of the University of Turku– invites applications for the following position:

University Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Researcher in Entrepreneurship
(equivalent in rank to Associate or Assistant Professor in the US system)

The position is fixed-term up to 2 years in the first instance. The contract can be extended subject to performance. The position is research-oriented with a light teaching load. Funded research plays a major role in TSE Entre, so active participation in funding acquisition is an important requirement.

TSE Entre is the leading entrepreneurship research centre in Finland, currently employing more than 10 fulltime research staff. The University is located in Turku, which is an attractive historic city on the Southwestern coast of Finland.

Further details are available in the full announcement:



Top 20 Finnish start-ups by Talouselämä

Their list comprises the following raising stars:

Name, start-up yearWhat they offer...?
Aava Mobile, 2009 An open-source mobile device platform for the OEM/ODM market
Applifier, 2008 Helps game and app publishers of all sizes grow their applications through cross promotion.
Blaast, 2010 Bring mobile apps and a smartphone user experience to the next billion people (i.e. to the less developed economies) via cloud-based services.
DealDash, 2009 By combining a game-like experience with a sophisticated bidding platform which may provide brand new products for huge discount.
Digital Foodie, 2009 An online community that helps consumers shop smarter and eat healthier and helps grocery retailers to engage more transparently with their customers to build customer loyalty.
Flowdock, 2009 A shared team inbox with group chat.
Makia Clothing, 2006 Clothing firm with attitude.
Microtask, 2009 A proprietary software platform, which automatically splits work assignments into tiny pieces and distributes them to our digital workers around the world.
Multi Touch, 2007 Provides interactive multiuser displays and software platforms.
Oncos Therapeutics, 2009 Oncos Therapeutics develops novel cancer therapies based on its next generation oncolytic viruses.
Ovelin, 2010 An iPad game that makes learning to play the real guitar fun, addictive and motivating.
Rightware, 2009 Provides graphical 3D user interface solutions e.g. for mobile devices and cars.
Senseg, 2006 A new generation of haptic technology that delivers sophisticated tactile sensations and enriches digital communication by electrically generated force fields.
SkySQL, 2010 ”New MySQL" i.e. open source database producer.
Supercell, 2010 Develops social network games for smart phones, tablets and browsers.
Tinkercad, 2010 Web-based CAD modeling and 3D printing.
Valkee, 2007 Earphone-type-of device that channels safe bright light directly
to photosensitive regions of the brain through the ear canal.
Valon Lasers, 2011 Method of photocoagulation that makes a full PRP faster than earlier .
WOT Services, 2006 Community-powered service for secure web browsing for firms.
ZenRobotics, 2007 Specializes in AI and robotic recycling technology.


Lecture on starting up a start-up

Yes, the concepts are a mess nowadays but the context remains interesting.

On 30th of January an entrepreneur, former TSE student, Tuomas Talola will shed light on his start-up, Lainaaja.fi. He and his business idea on social loaning, if I recall correctly, won BoostTurku's pitching competition on last March.
So be there.... I mean here:
Turku School of Economics, Elovena -hall (LS11), 30th January, 12:15-13:45.

More info (in Finnish): http://www.tse.fi/FI/media/tapahtumat/Pages/Vierailuluento-start-up-verkkoliiketoiminta.aspx


Finland is "slowing down" what comes to measuring the economic freedom

For over a decade, The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation, Washington's preeminent think tank, have tracked the march of economic freedom around the world with the influential Index of Economic Freedom. Since 1995, the Index has brought Adam Smith's theories about liberty, prosperity and economic freedom to life by creating 10 benchmarks that gauge the economic success of 184 countries around the world. With its user-friendly format, readers can see how 18th century theories on prosperity and economic freedom are realities in the 21st century. The Index covers 10 freedoms–from property rights to entrepreneurship.

The latest Index of Economic Freedom ranks Finland 17th among 184 economies included in the annual index. Finland's economy is still pretty free, but mainly considerable deterioration in the management of government spending has caused the drop in ranking.

The report concludes that "the strong competitiveness of Finland’s economy is built on openness and transparency. The quality of the legal framework is among the world’s highest, providing effective protection of property rights. The rule of law is well maintained, and a strong tradition of minimum tolerance for corruption continues. Although public debt remains under control, respect for the principle of limited government has been seriously undercut by heavy public spending that amounts to more than half of total domestic output."

Positively, Finnish regulatory environment encourages entrepreneurial activity and innovation, sustaining a high degree of overall competitiveness.



GEDI 2012 launch

Last week we has the 2012 launch of the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index at the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC with Ambassador Miller. The focus of the launch was on the Americas and the future of entrepreneurship in Latin America.

The event was attended by 60 high level academics, government officials and policy makers. This year's Index was very well received and viewed as a valued addition to the existing set of tools to better understand the global economy.
