
EURAM 2012

EURAM 2012 conference which will be held in Rotterdam next June, will have a track for Entrepreneurship Studies. Brilliant! Track is called "Shaping the Entrepreneurship Research Agenda" and track chairs are welcoming contributions that cover issues like:
  • Use novel approaches from other correlated disciplines (psychology, sociology, anthropology etc.),
  • "Export" entrepreneurship models to other discipline to gain insights to develop new theories for the entrepreneurship field
  • Employ novel or new combinations of the already known methodologies,
  • Test unexplored relations which have yet to receive thorough attention,
  • Utilize new units of analysis or datasets,
  • Compare different national European and non-European realities,
  • Contextualize findings through “environmental” circumstances in either national or international setting.
See this flyer for closer info.

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