
Research seminar is postponed from 4.11 to 9.11 and from LS08 to OP-Pohjola

TSE Entre will organize a research seminar in Entrepreneurship on Wednesday 9.11.2011. At the first seminar you have an opportunity to hear and discuss about results from the Academy of Finland research project (WORK-program):

”Entrepreneurship, work and well-being in the life course perspective”

Research seminar provides information on the main aims of the research project and the survey-based dataset collected among highly educated professionals in Finland. Thereafter, the main findings of articles submitted for review (1 and 2), and preliminary ideas of work-in-process papers are presented and discussed (3 and 4).

1. Determinants of job satisfaction for self-employed and salaried professionals
2. Job satisfaction and retirement age intentions: self-employed versus salary earners
3. Life and job satisfaction among entrepreneurs and employees during the life course
4. “Spillover from work domains onto life satisfaction” (preliminary title)

Presenters: TSE Entre // WORK project research team (Heinonen, project leader, Akola, Hytti, Kautonen, Luomala)

Time: Wednesday 9.11.2011 at 13–15:30

Location: Turku School of Economics, lecture hall OP-Pohjola


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