
Finnish entrepreneurs still say no to growth

Global Entrepreneur Monitor's results have said the same thing for years. Professor Autio from Imperial College emphasized it again last fall (report here).

Now Finnish entrepreneurs themselves say it aloud. This fall the Finnish Federation for Finnish Entrepreneurs published a report based on a survey on self-employed individuals. With 1.300 opinions and 20% response rate the FFF concludes that 60% of self-employed entrepreneurs see no motivation for employing anyone else. Reason for this is simply their mundane-type-of-businesses:

"...The biggest reason for not to employ anyone else in their firms is that there is not job for more than one person..." This is then followed the usual epistle comprising too high employment costs and the lack of needs for growing their businesses.

What is wrong in this picture? The institutional forces have for years tried to open up venues for growth (e.g. offering financial support for employing new personnel). At the same time some other organizations cry out loud that business successions are in the blind alley simply because of Finnish taxation laws give businesses so hard time. Are you sure? Could it be so that some of the Finnish entrepreneurs are simply running (mundane) ventures that provide what they need and nothing more. Accordingly, it is okay to blame it on institutions if you don't see the forest from the trees, right? Or should we limit our mindset so that growth-oriented behavior is better left only for the best and the brightest?

Maybe/maybe not. I see that all eyes should be on the next generation of entrepreneurs.... Go for it Entrepreneurship Societies...

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